
Happy Half Birthday to Lucy!!!

Our little furbaby is 6 months old today!!

I have always had a special place in my heart for animals, and we were so very excited to add a pet to our family, but I never imagined the amount of love and joy that Lucy would bring into our lives.  Happy half birthday, pumpkin butt!!

We started off our Sunday with a trip to Petsmart (Lucy's favorite store, of course) then dropped her off at home while we ran some errands.  We decided it would be wise to stock up on wood pellets while A. they were on sale and B. the weather was still nice enough to make loading/unloading them not too much of a pain.  So we loaded up with a full ton of pellets (50 bags!!) and headed home to unload.  Just in case you were wondering what a ton of pellets looks like (you were... weren't you?)... it looks like this...

Yeah... that's huge.

The rest of the day will be spent enjoying some football games while Kevin makes his famous-in-our-house wings.  I love Sundays!

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