38 weeks.... wowza!!! The light at the end of this pregnancy tunnel is getting brighter and brighter. So hard to believe that we are so close!
How Big Is Baby?
- A pumpkin!! Wow!! Can't believe how big baby is!
Baby’s Development
- At 38 weeks, baby’s probably sitting pretty low in my pelvis, which means s/he’s bumping into all kinds of nerves down there -- including some pretty sensitive ones I might not know I had.
How Big Is Mommy?
- Definitely feel like I am dropping now... little by little.
- The picture on the right is Lucy and I goofing off... I decided I was going to hang out upside down with my legs crossed so baby stays put for an extra week. Lucy decided to keep me company. :)

How Am I feeling?
- Physically: Well... for the most part, pretty darn good. I really shouldn't complain... however, my feet are starting to swell and ache, which is a real pain. I should be thankful that I made it this long without any swelling or true aches and pains, but thinking about the next 2+ weeks like this is tough. I can do it though. :)
- Emotionally: So excited! I am having dinner with some girlfriends tonight and I couldn't be more psyched to enjoy what will most likely be my last girls night out.
Any new developments, milestones? Anything new?
- I had an appointment today... which was pretty uneventful. Because of my union's short term disability supplement (see developments below for details)... I am going to try to keep this baby in there until August 1st. As such, I decided to not get an internal exam today. I am kind of bummed because I am very curious if I am progressing toward labor, dilating or effaced... but it's not worth stirring things up if I can hang in there for a few more weeks. Baby will be here soon enough one way or the other.
- Love: Seltzer water has been particularly refreshing during this hot hot hot week. I'm enjoying some raspberry lime flavored seltzer right now. Yummy!
- Hate: Fat elephant feet. Not awesome.
Any upcoming developments, milestones? What's next?
- Next appointment is next Thursday... it's hard to believe that baby could actually arrive before then. Wow!!
- So about my short term disability. (anger stirs up inside and blood pressure begins to rise...)... I found out just this morning that because I transferred to a new union when I became an RN, I am not eligible to collect any union benefits- including the short term disability supplement that I have been paying for- until I have paid six full months of premiums.... in other words, August 1st. Wouldn't it figure that it's one week PAST my due date?? Grr. Lucking, I have statistics on my side and know that my chances of baby arriving late are pretty good. A full week late... I'm not so sure... but I will do my best to keep him/her snug and cozy until then. :)
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