How Big Is Baby?
- Kennedy is about 24-25 pounds
- Since she wears mostly Pull Ups during the day, her 2T pants are still way too big. She wears 18 month pants and even some 12T shorts. Tops-wise, she is in 18 month and 2T... no change here
- Size 5 shoes still
- She wears Pull Ups during the day with very few accidents. At night, we still use cloth diapers and she still fits in her one sizes perfectly
Development & Milestones
- In addition to her ever-expanding vocaublry, her comprehension is improving. She now speaks in complete or near-complete sentances. She asks and answers questions appropriately. It is so fun to be able to communicate with her.
- Tooth count... I'm 99% sure we have a full set
- In addition to her love of fresh fruit and veggies, Kennedy still loves to nurse, especially at nap time and bed time. You know... it's funny (and I will probably do a separate post about this in the near future...) motherhood is such a humbling experience. I always knew I wanted to breastfeed (mostly for the nutritional benefits) but never in a million years did I expect to be nursing an almost 2 year old, with no end in sight. The special bond we share and the overwhelming feeling of love and closeness is indescribable. I am so grateful that we are able to continue to nurse!
- Sleep has been pretty good. I am still working overnights, but on daddy nights, K does a great job falling asleep and sleeping through the night with Kevin. On mommy nights, we nurse to sleep and she usually wakes once a night for a little more milk. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Mommy & Daddy Check In
- Another fun month for us! Kevin and I celebrated our 3rd (Wow!) anniversary yesterday and the whole family (Miles and Lucy included) enjoyed a trip to Pittsburgh for Memorial Day.
- We are both still rocking T25 and enjoying our new, clean diet.
- Otherwise... same old!
Any appointments, visitors or outings? Anything else new?
- Pittsburgh trip for Memorial Day with a trip to the Pittsburgh Zoo which Kennedy LOVED!
- We are working on a playground in our backyard. Pictures to come... but it is going to be awesome!
Any upcoming developments, milestones? What's next?
- Next appointment will be 2 year well check in July.