How Big Is Baby?
- Kennedy is about 24-25 pounds
- We are finally moving into some lighter clothes (although still long pants and long sleeve shirts) and K is fitting into 18 month pants with 2T tops. Since she wears mostly Pull Ups during the day, the pants are a little saggy, but length-wise they work.
- Size 5 shoes still
- She is wearing Pull Ups mostly during the day (and doing an AWESOME job with potty training). At night, we still use cloth diapers and she still fits in her one sizes perfectly
Development & Milestones
- She has learned quite a bit this month... coutning 1 to 10, colors and shapes. She loves to point to things when we are out and tell me what shape or color they are. She also loves to count... everything. I am so proud of her!
- She is still very outgoing and loves to wave or say "Hi" to everyone. She is also really enjoying her time at the sitter, especially when there are other kids for her to play with.
- She continues to do well with potty training. We are still not 100% yet, but I am in no rush. I am just following her lead and encouraging her when she tells me she needs to go, then goes. She is definitely doing this her own way in her own time and I am totally supportive of that.
- Tooth count... I'm just going to guess full set. I can't tell if she has cut any new ones or not, lol!
- Still nursing away! Mostly just nap time and bed time now, but 20 months and still going strong!
- Food-wise, she has been a bottomless pit this month. She eats anything and everythign in sight... and then asks for strawberries. She is *obsessed* with strawberries... but hey, it could be worse... she could be obsessed with coffee like her mama. Ha!
- Sleep was pretty good this month. I think she is back in the swing of things now that we are back into our normal (abnormal) routines). She goes down fairly easily at night (for the most part, depending on how late she naps) and wakes once for water or a quick nursing session.
- Naps continue to be awful this month. She continues to push her naps back to sometimes 3 or 4 or even 5 (gulp) in the afternoon. This makes for a late bedtime or- if I have to wake her up for you know... dinner... a super cranky toddler. I realize that I am a big part of the problem and that I have created a nap-time monster, but I am unsure of exactly how I can fix this. My crazy work/sleep schedule means that I only get a few short hours with her in the afternoon and she loves to snuggle, nurse and nap with me. It's kind of our thing. I'm not really sure how I can fix her crazy nap schedule without sacrificing our snuggle time or losing out of my sleep time earlier in the day.
Mommy & Daddy Check In
- This month has been back to normal... in some ways good, and in some ways not so good. It's nice to get back back into our routine (I type this with a chuckle, since our "routine" is typically complete chaos)... but on the other hand I feel like time just flies when we go about our hectic lives, just trying to make it through each day.
- Kevin and I have decided to start Insanity together on Monday. I'm pretty pysched about this. Kevin... not so much. I have the DVDs ready and waiting (I've already checked out a few of them) and a box of Shakeology to sample. I am thrilled to have my butt kicked with some good hard workouts and even more excited to have Kevin (and my awesome coach friends) to help keep me motivated.
Any appointments, visitors or outings? Anything else new?
- Not much this month, but now that the weather is warming up, there should be lots of fun outings in our future.
Any upcoming developments, milestones? What's next?
- Next appointment will be 2 year well check in July.