
Kennedy's 48 Week Check In

Umm... 11 months.  No.Way.  Where has the time gone?

We had a bit of a rough week this week.  Kennedy had some sort of nasty viral funk that caused her temp to skyrocket (up to 105 at its highest!!) and really just made her miserable most of the week.  She was still happy for the most part, but I could tell she wasn't feeling well and just not herself (she slept, a LOT!)  We went to the pediatrician, but were told to just do the best we could with Tylenol, Motrin, tepid baths and cool wash cloths.  She worked through it herself and is back to being happy and hungry.

How Big Is Baby?
  • Kennedy definitely hasn't gained much at all this week, thanks to her yucky bug.
  • She is wearing 9 and 12 month spring and summer clothes now.
  • Size 3 shoes...well... another week without shoes.  Who cares?  It's summer.
  • Full time cloth diapering. Still size smalls and one sizes with 1-2 snaps out and 1-2 snaps up.

Development & Milestones
  • Kennedy kicked her first virus to the curb.
  • Most of the week was spent just snuggling and trying to keep her temp down.
  • 4 teeth on top now and 4 on the bottom now.  Yes, this week was the perfect time for that.

  • Nursing was ok this week.  Her appetite wasn't great, but nursing was the only intake she would take for a few days, so we nursed as much as we could.  Poor babe.
  • Pumping at work is... going.  Blech.  Not my favorite thing to do, but it's for Kennedy and I would do anything for her, so pump I shall.
  • BLW was ok this week.  She just really wasn't that into food.  Next week will be better, I'm sure of it. 
  • We tried some Pedialyte in her sippy and she was not a fan.  She did tiny amounts of water here and there, but mostly just wanted to nurse.

  • Kennedy has slept a lot this week.  She still woke up once or twice at night, but slept pretty hard for most of the night otherwise.
  • Naps were frequent and long this week as she fought off her bug.  I'm sure that won't last though.

PP Mommy Check In

  • This week was ok. I didn't get much done for myself, because baby girl needed near constant snuggling, but I wouldn't change that for anything.
  • Still 121-122 at best guess.  Scalle batteries are on my shopping list, I swear! 
  • *For reference, my highest pregnancy weight was 162, my pre-pregnancy weight was 130 and my goal weight is 125*

How Is Daddy?
  • Kevin was in the same boat I was in this week.  If I wasn't holding Kennedy, he was.  He is such an amazing daddy.  He was so worried about her and so attentive to her every whimper, especially when I had to work.  I actually had to work a day shift on Thursday, probably her worst day, and he took the day off to take care of her.
  • Weight-wise, he is about the same.

Any appointments, visitors or outings? Anything else new?
  • We went in to the pediatrician on Wednesday when her fever went up to 104.7 to make sure it wasn't another ear infection.  Ears, throat, lungs all checked out clear, so treat the fever and wait it out were the instructions.  I was thinking possible Roseola, but her fever is almost completely gone and no sign of spots.  Whatever it was, I'm glad its gone and hope it never comes back.
  • Cloth diapering is still going great!!

Product Rave: 
  • Tylenol... Motrin... anything that made Kennedy feel better this week.

Any upcoming developments, milestones? What's next?
  • Birthday countdown... 4 weeks!

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Kennedy's 47 Week Check In

As we close in on the end of my baby girl's first year of life, I can't help but marvel at this amazing little being.  It is just absolutely crazy to ponder over the fact that 2 years ago, she was but a dream, 1 year ago, she was but a wiggly little rib kicker tucked away inside my belly... and here she is.  She is her own being with her own personality.  She is my everything.  Blessed doesn't even come close.

How Big Is Baby?
  • Kennedy is pushing 19 pounds now.  Grow, baby, grow.  No wait.  Slow down baby!!  I don't want to retire any more clothes.  Ever.
  • She is wearing 9 and 12 month spring and summer clothes now.
  • Size 3 shoes... well... to be honest, we haven't worn shoes all week so for all I know she has outgrown those too!  Ha!
  • Full time cloth diapering. Still size smalls and one sizes with 1-2 snaps out and 1-2 snaps up.

Development & Milestones
  • Kennedy is walking all the time now.  She is ::sniffle:: a toddler, I guess.  I absolutely adore her little weeble wobble.
  • She is still doing great with the sitter and her big girl friends.
  • She really understands bye bye now and will wave when you say it.
  • She is also signing milk, more and her version of all done, which involves throwing her food on the floor. Not amused.
  • 4 teeth on top now and still 2 on the bottom with 2 more starting to poke through.
  • Nursing has been great.  She has been kind of  amaniac during nursing sessions lately, kicking and flailing all over the place.  I have had to be conscious of the surrounding environment and do my best to eliminate distractions.
  • Pumping at work is going well. 
  • BLW continues to go well. I have yet to find something she won't or can't eat.
  • She has been drinking lots of water from her sippy cup like a big girl!
  • Sleep has been pretty good this week.  She has slept pretty well over night, which makes for one happy mama.
  • Naps have been crazy good this week!  She napped for 3 hours on 2 separate days.  Baby girl must know mommy is exhausted.

PP Mommy Check In

  • I ran this week!  A lot!!  And I LOVED it!!  Gosh I missed my runs and it felt amazing to get out there and pound some pavement.  I actually went for a run at (you're never going to believe this) like 6am on Saturday morning.  Crazy, I know, but the road was calling me.
  • Still no clue on the weight, still no batteries in the scale.  I am probably still around the same, 121-122 
  • *For reference, my highest pregnancy weight was 162, my pre-pregnancy weight was 130 and my goal weight is 125*

How Is Daddy?
  • Kevin had a great week.  He spent a lot of time outside, sweating his butt off.
  • Weight-wise, he is guessing that he is back around his goal.
Any appointments, visitors or outings? Anything else new?
  • We enjoyed a trip to the park with Miss Amanda and baby Joey.  It was great to get outside and enjoy a nice walk followed by some play time on the swings.  Miss Amanda and I have said we need to make this a weekly date.
  • Cloth diapering is still going great!!
Product Rave:
  • Hmm... I'll come back to this one later. 

Any upcoming developments, milestones? What's next?
  • Birthday countdown... 5 weeks!
Picture Time


Kennedy's 46 Week Check In

Back to work and back in the swing of things.  A relatively uneventful week, but after the business of the past few weeks, it was kind of nice.  I am back in school again (in addition to work) so it is getting harder to keep up with the weekly check ins.  Sorry!

How Big Is Baby?

  • Kennedy is definitely over 18 pounds, maybe close to 19 now.  She is so tall, too!
  • She is wearing 9 and 12 month spring and summer clothes now.
  • Size 3 shoes are fitting a little better now.
  • Full time cloth diapering. Still size smalls and one sizes with 1-2 snaps out and 1-2 snaps up. 

Development & Milestones
  • Kennedy is walking more and more.  She will walk from place to place in the house unless it is a long distance, but even then she usually starts out walking.  Pretty soon crawling will be but a memory.  Makes me sad to think about it, but I know this day is coming.
  • She did really well at the sitter this week.  She is interacting with the big girls more and crying for mommy less.
  • She is waving "Bye bye" now with great excitement.  It is the cutest thing!
  • She is also signing milk, more and her version of all done, which involves throwing her food on the floor.  Not amused.
  • 4 teeth on top now and still 2 on the bottom although I think she is starting to cut more on the bottom.  Grrrrreat.
  • Nursing has been great.  We are back into our groove at home and enjoying our special time together.
  • Back to pumping at work again.  I really need to follow up on my donor application since my milk stash continues to mount.  We are using milk from November at this point.  That means I have 7 months of milk stashed away.  Holy moly!!
  • BLW continues to go well.  I have yet to find something she won't or can't eat.
  • She has been drinking lots of water from her sippy cup like a big girl!
  • Sleep has been great.  We are back to our normal routine (if you want to call it that with our wacky hours).
  • Naps are back to normal too.  She naps with me when I get home from work and in her crib on my days off.

PP Mommy Check In

  • This week was ok.  I worked a LOT (72 hours over 7 days) so I am really exhausted.  Next week I have a pretty good amount of time off.  The road and I have a date, or two or five.
  • Right now I have no idea how much I weigh because the batteries in our scale died and I have been too busy to buy more and replace them.  If I had to guess it would be around 122 maybe.
  • *For reference, my highest pregnancy weight was 162, my pre-pregnancy weight was 130 and my goal weight is 125*

How Is Daddy?
  • Kevin had a pretty good week, even though he was basically a single dad for the past 7 days.  He did awesome though.  Always does.
  • Weight-wise, he is up a pound or two from the Florida trip.  Don't worry though... I'll nag that pound or two off.  :)
Any appointments, visitors or outings? Anything else new?
  • Kennedy's follow up with the NP went great.  No more ear infection!
  • Cloth diapering is still going great!!

Product Rave:
  • A&A Muslin blankets.  It has been warming up here and these light blankets are perfect for nap time

Any upcoming developments, milestones? What's next?

  • Birthday countdown... 6 weeks! 
Picture Time



Kennedy's 45 Week Check In

It has been an absolutely exhausting whirlwind of a week/weekend for us.  On Thursday, right after I left school, we drove to Pittsburgh, arriving at 3 am.  We headed straight for the airport to catch our 5:20 flight to Orlando for Pop Pop's memorial service.  Friday was spent visiting family and helping my mom, grandma and aunts prepare for the service.  Saturday was his viewing and memorial service.  It was bittersweet, always so hard to say goodbye to someone you love but peaceful to know they are free from suffering.  Early this morning we flew back to Pittsburgh and began our drive home.  Exhausting, both physically and emotionally.  Baby girl was a trooper and did really well, despite the long car rides, flights, missed naps and endless parade of new faces.  It was good to have her with us to bring smiles and a sense of "time marches on".

How Big Is Baby?
  • Kennedy is still around 18... maybe 19 pounds now.  I can see her growth starting to taper off as she becomes more active.
  • She is wearing 9 and 12 month spring and summer clothes now.
  • Size 3 shoes are still a little big, but the 2s are long gone.
  • Full time cloth diapering. Still size smalls and one sizes with 1-2 snaps out and 1-2 snaps up. 
  • We did use size 2 disposables for the flights, since packing cloth would have cost more ($25 for a checked bag!  Yikes!) than it was worth.  The size 2s were a little snug, but they worked for the short trip.

Development & Milestones
  • Kennedy is definitely becomming more confident with her walking.  She cruises like a little maniac, but when she gets to a point where she needs to let go, she is starting to do so more often.  She still crawls for longer distances, but seems to have no problem taking 2-3 steps to get where she needs to be, if it is close.
  • She did display a little stranger anxiety this weekend, which is understandable.  She reached for mama quite a bit, but overall did well with the new people.
  • She did cry for mama when she got frightened or tired, which just melts my heart.
  • She didn't sign much this week although she has created her own sign for "all done" which involves (not so) politely dropping her food on the floor.  :/  I'm not a fan.
  • 4 teeth on top now and still 2 on the bottom.
  • Nursing has been wonderful.  Baby girl nursed on the plane, all 4 flights and did wonderfully.  I am so proud of my little peanut!
  • No pumping this trip... didn't even bring it with me!  Pumping at work is still going well.
  • BLW is great!  Kennedy was the star of our meals in Florida.  She ate her weight in french fries (by far, her most favorite food) at the Ale House and enjoyed a brownie at the repass following Pop Pop's service.
  • She has the sippy cup down!  She loves to carry it around and drink water like a big girl.  This helps on the long car rides also.
  • Sleep has been as good as can be expected with our wacky weekend.  She did sleep in bed with us, but that is nothing new.  Night time was pretty normal, though.
  • Naps were... well... a hot mess.  Between the driving, flying, services and family gatherings, naps got lost.  She napped when she could and wasn't too terribly fussy.  I am looking forward to getting back to a (somewhat) regular schedule.

PP Mommy Check In

  • This week was pretty good, although I tend to snack a lot out of boredom in the car.  I did indulge in some Ale House Zingers, actually a Zinger Melt to be exact... but it was worth every sinful calorie.  Yum!!
  • If this rain will ever stop, I am dying to start logging some more miles.  Rain rain go away!!
  • Right now I am about 121 lbs.
  • *For reference, my highest pregnancy weight was 162, my pre-pregnancy weight was 130 and my goal weight is 125*

How Is Daddy?
  • Kevin had a long week.  He stayed up 30+ hours to make the drive and flights.  I was very lucky to have him with me both for support and to help corral our crazy monster baby.  He did all of the driving, which was awesome!
  • Weight-wise, he is holding steady at his goal weight although he cheated a bit in Florida too, but hey... when is the last time he had Zingers?
Any appointments, visitors or outings? Anything else new?
  • We are excited to just hang out at home for a few weeks.  All of this traveling has been exhausting.
  • We are working on planning Kennedy's 1st (eeeeeeeeek) birthday!!  I will try to sneak some pictures and write about the planning as we go.  Can't believe it is right around the corner.
  • Kennedy finished her antibiotics and seems to have kicked her ear infection.
  • Cloth diapering is still going great!!

Product Rave:
  • Ergo- absolutely wonderful for traveling.  Because it doesn't contain any metal, I was able to leave it on with baby snug and secure when going through security.  I have the extra pouch which came in handy for holding onto our tickets and IDs.  It also helped to keep Kennedy contained on the plane.  She nursed in the Ergo and fell asleep.  Mommy was hands free and happy!

Any upcoming developments, milestones? What's next?

  • A recheck with the NP next week
  • Birthday countdown... 7 weeks!
Picture Time


Kennedy's 44 Week Check In

What a busy, fun and exciting week!  We spent the first half of the week in Pittsburgh, visiting Kevin's family and enjoying the city then we drove home on Thursday so I could kick of a long stretch of 4 twelves starting Saturday.  I am 1/2 way done and wondering what I was thinking!  We had an awesome vacation week, all too short, and we can't wait to go back again!  Baby girl is growing and changing every day.  She never ceases to amaze me and make me smile.

How Big Is Baby?
  • Kennedy hasn't gained much, still around 18 pounds and still tall for her age.
  • She is wearing 9 and 12 month spring and summer clothes now.
  • Size 3 shoes fit or are even a little big still.
  • Full time cloth diapering. Still size smalls and one sizes with 1-2 snaps out and 1-2 snaps up.  Our trip with cloth went fabulously!  We will use cloth for all road trips now.  Way easier!

Development & Milestones
  • Kennedy is really starting to walk now.  Still only a few steps before she lands on her tush, but she is getting braver and doing better.  I can't believe I have a walker!  Eeeek!
  • She has been extremely vocal this week and has started throwing tantrums.  Grrrrreat.  While I am excited for her to talk more, I am not a fan of the screeching, especially when we are out at a restaurant.
  • She is signing "milk" pretty consistently.  She also does puppy often, which still looks like her just being excited, bu I'm pretty sure she means "puppy" now whereas before I thought she was just flapping around.  We are working on "more", "mama" and "dada".
  • 4 teeth on top now and still 2 on the bottom.
  • Nursing has been excellent!  I am getting more confident nursing in public and was able to nurse baby girl in the Ergo while walking around the zoo.
  • I only had to pump once on our trip!  It was nice to take a break.
  • BLW is awesome as always.  Baby girl ate very well the whole time we were away.  Such a big girl!
  • She is doing awesome with her sippy cup!  She seems to do best with one that has a sort of straw at the top, so we give her this now with water and she just goes to town.  I swear, she learns something new every day.  I just love to watch her figure things out.

  • Sleep has been pretty good!  She did great for grandma and grandpa while Kevin and I enjoyed our anniversary and she did great on the car ride home.  I'm so impressed!
  • Naps have been ok.  Sometimes she is tough to get to fall asleep, but once she finally does, she consistently naps for 1-2 hours and wakes up happy as can be.

PP Mommy Check In

  • This week was good, even with traveling.  The weather was gorgeous and we did a lot of walking.  Feels so good to enjoy time outside!
  • Right now I am about 120 lbs.
  • *For reference, my highest pregnancy weight was 162, my pre-pregnancy weight was 130 and my goal weight is 125*

How Is Daddy?
  • Kevin had a pretty good week, although he spent a lot of time driving.  I think it was refreshing for him to see his friends and family from home.
  • Weight-wise, he is holding steady at his goal weight. He looks awesome and feels much better, more energy, etc.
Any appointments, visitors or outings? Anything else new?
  • Our plans for our Florida trip next weekend are still not solid, but we will likely be heading out on Friday.  We may or may not have another long car ride (to Pittsburgh) thrown in the mix.
  • Kennedy finished up her antibiotics and seems to be feeling better.  I am still unhappy with the fact that I caved and gave them to her, but glad she is feeling better so it was worth it in the end.
  • Cloth diapering is still going great!!

Product Rave:
  • Sippy cup with a straw!  I swear, if it weren't for this, she would have used a bottle forever or gone straight to a cup which would have been a mess!

Any upcoming developments, milestones? What's next?

  • We will be driving to Pittsburgh (possibly) and flying to Florida (definitely) at some point over the next weekend.
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