We had a bit of a rough week this week. Kennedy had some sort of nasty viral funk that caused her temp to skyrocket (up to 105 at its highest!!) and really just made her miserable most of the week. She was still happy for the most part, but I could tell she wasn't feeling well and just not herself (she slept, a LOT!) We went to the pediatrician, but were told to just do the best we could with Tylenol, Motrin, tepid baths and cool wash cloths. She worked through it herself and is back to being happy and hungry.
How Big Is Baby?
- Kennedy definitely hasn't gained much at all this week, thanks to her yucky bug.
- She is wearing 9 and 12 month spring and summer clothes now.
- Size 3 shoes...well... another week without shoes. Who cares? It's summer.
- Full time cloth diapering. Still size smalls and one sizes with 1-2 snaps out and 1-2 snaps up.
Development & Milestones
- Kennedy kicked her first virus to the curb.
- Most of the week was spent just snuggling and trying to keep her temp down.
- 4 teeth on top now and 4 on the bottom now. Yes, this week was the perfect time for that.
- Nursing was ok this week. Her appetite wasn't great, but nursing was the only intake she would take for a few days, so we nursed as much as we could. Poor babe.
- Pumping at work is... going. Blech. Not my favorite thing to do, but it's for Kennedy and I would do anything for her, so pump I shall.
- BLW was ok this week. She just really wasn't that into food. Next week will be better, I'm sure of it.
- We tried some Pedialyte in her sippy and she was not a fan. She did tiny amounts of water here and there, but mostly just wanted to nurse.
- Kennedy has slept a lot this week. She still woke up once or twice at night, but slept pretty hard for most of the night otherwise.
- Naps were frequent and long this week as she fought off her bug. I'm sure that won't last though.
PP Mommy Check In
- This week was ok. I didn't get much done for myself, because baby girl needed near constant snuggling, but I wouldn't change that for anything.
- Still 121-122 at best guess. Scalle batteries are on my shopping list, I swear!
- *For reference, my highest pregnancy weight was 162, my pre-pregnancy weight was 130 and my goal weight is 125*
How Is Daddy?
- Kevin was in the same boat I was in this week. If I wasn't holding Kennedy, he was. He is such an amazing daddy. He was so worried about her and so attentive to her every whimper, especially when I had to work. I actually had to work a day shift on Thursday, probably her worst day, and he took the day off to take care of her.
- Weight-wise, he is about the same.
Any appointments, visitors or outings? Anything else new?
- We went in to the pediatrician on Wednesday when her fever went up to 104.7 to make sure it wasn't another ear infection. Ears, throat, lungs all checked out clear, so treat the fever and wait it out were the instructions. I was thinking possible Roseola, but her fever is almost completely gone and no sign of spots. Whatever it was, I'm glad its gone and hope it never comes back.
- Cloth diapering is still going great!!
Product Rave:
- Tylenol... Motrin... anything that made Kennedy feel better this week.
Any upcoming developments, milestones? What's next?
- Birthday countdown... 4 weeks!
Picture Time